Family court documents provide insight into possible motive to deadly weekend standoff

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There's new information about the man who was shot and killed Sunday during an armed standoff with police in Oak Hill.

A small vase filled with flowers was placed in front of the Oak Hill home of Sawyer and Mary Flache. Monday afternoon, Pastor Anthony Scoma brought invitations for grief counseling. He left one at every home in the Pax Dr. Cul-de-sac because his church is located just behind the house where the deadly police standoff took place.

"When we had the fires here a few years ago, we were here for the neighbors, and still want to be here, and so we're praying and want to make sure no one is falling through the cracks if they need somebody to talk to," he said.

Austin police were called to the neighborhood late Saturday night. They were responding to reports that a man, later identified as 27 year old Sawyer Flache was walking around firing shots. Bullets blew holes into the side of a SUV, and smashed into a street light-at least 8 times. A utility crew arrived Monday to replace the light. Investigators say Flache had several guns and also fired shots at APD's helicopter as it flew over the scene. He was shot and killed by a swat team member - according to investigators after reloading his rifle.

"We were not given the opportunity to establish contact, when we got teams close enough to establish contact to communicate with him, that was when he was observed in the act of engaging the helicopter again in an attempt to fire at it."

Flache had a criminal history, but nothing to clearly explain what happened here. About 10 years ago, there were a couple of arrest for drug processions in Lubbock and San Marcos. But a review of Family Court records, here in Travis County may provide investigators a lead to follow."

According to court documents, Sawyer and Mary Flache were in the process of getting divorced and separated back in April. At the time of the weekend shooting, it appears Mary may have been in the home with their two daughters. They were not hurt.

Sawyer Flache grew up in Brownfield, Texas southwest of Lubbock. His family operates a cotton farm.

Those who know the family say he was well liked and cannot explain what happened this past weekend in Oak Hill. During an afternoon news briefing, APD Chief Art Acevedo said he spoke to Flache's father and according to the Chief during the conversation the father issued an apology to the police force for what took place.