Fredericksburg, Gillespie County working on updated fire, EMS plan
What's happening in Fredericksburg?
Cary Burgess with the Fredericksburg Standard joins FOX 7 Austin's Mike Warren with the latest on what's happening in Fredericksburg and Gillespie County.
AUSTIN, Texas - Fredericksburg and Gillespie County are considering an updated plan for fire and emergency services.
Cary Burgess with the Fredericksburg Standard joins FOX 7 Austin's Mike Warren with the latest and more on what's happening in Fredericksburg and Gillespie County.
MIKE WARREN: And what do officials have in mind for this new plan?
CARY BURGESS: Well, we're going to be working on that a little bit in the Fredericksburg Standard radio pose. But they held a joint city and county meeting that was held on Wednesday, just a couple of days ago. And it's all to discuss on how to manage the ongoing development and, of course, the population increase across the county. So it will consist generally of fire and emergency medical services plan here for Gillespie County… and the city of Fredericksburg and Gillespie County will be kind of working together on this project and also will have to deal with a little bit of the tax increment and reinvestment zones and how that will work. So they are still going to meet once more, but we're going to have full details coming up in next week's edition of the paper. But that is why the main issues will be finding out exactly what the monetary figure will be in the proposal for going forward with future projects and whether get approved. And then the other is this final approval needs to take place before December 31st of the end of this year. And the question is, will we ask is why does it need to happen by then and how much will it cost? So those are the biggest issues we'll be covering on that particular project.
We also have been covering an ongoing issue between the city of Fredericksburg and the Texas Rangers Foundation, the former Texas Rangers Foundation, and they're in a little bit of a dustup over land dispute. And during the pandemic, the economy caused some delays. So it's not happening on the same timetable the city of Fredericksburg would like to see. So that is one story that we have in this week's edition of the paper will be covering that and an ongoing discussion as we close out the year and some other things.
On a more brighter note, actually, the Hill Country Hunting Guide came out. It is hunting season out here in the Texas Hill Country and Fredericksburg, Gillespie County, a huge area for that. I think the season kicked off about 15 days ago. And so we have a hunting guide that will have all of the ideas of what you can do, what you can expect for the hunting season and some of the wild game activities that will take place between now through January and the latest Rock and Vine issue came out. This is a quarterly magazine that comes out in our paper four times a year. It's an excellent thing for you to have on hand with all the wine industry out here in Gillespie County. So those are the main stories we'll be covering out here over the next couple of weeks.
MIKE WARREN: And if people want to read more and get a little bit more detail on these stories, what's the best way for them to do that?
CARY BURGESS: We have several options, but the main one, of course, is go to our website at, all one word. And then also on the website, you can also get daily email updates. I know we're a weekly newspaper, but we do get daily news updates and that can be done by signing up online for the daily update that can also be found on Fredericksburg So that's one of the best way to keep up with everything that's happening out here in Gillespie County.
MIKE WARREN: We appreciate the update. All right, Cary Burgess with The Fredericksburg Standard. Thanks for joining us.
CARY BURGESS: You bet. Thank you.