Funeral arrangements set for APD officer who died after COVID battle | FOX 7 Austin

Funeral arrangements set for APD officer who died after COVID battle

The Austin Police Department has released the information on funeral arrangements for an Austin police officer who died after battling COVID-19.

Senior Police Officer Randolph "Randy" Boyd died on August 25 from complications as a result of contracting COVID-19. He will be remembered and honored on September 3.

Visitation and funeral services will be at the First Baptist Church of Killeen located at 3310 South W.S. Young Drive in Killeen.

Austin Police Department Senior Police Officer Randolph "Randy" Boyd.

The hours of visitation will be from 9 a.m to 11 a.m. and the funeral service will start at 11 a.m.

Full law enforcement honors will follow on the front lawn of the church, immediately following the service. There will not be a procession.

Senior Police Officer Boyd joined the APD in 2014 and served on patrol for the length of his APD career. He is survived by his wife and twin sons. 

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