Georgetown HS junior gets perfect SAT score on the first try | FOX 7 Austin

Georgetown HS junior gets perfect SAT score on the first try

A Georgetown High School junior scored a perfect score on his SAT this year on his first try.

For months, Nathan Aaker has been hitting the books and practicing taking his SATs.

"I think I took like over ten practice tests to get myself prepared for this. And then I took it and, you know, it was the best score I'd gotten. So, I was extremely happy about it," says Nathan Aaker, junior at Georgetown High School.

In 2024, the college board will be making some changes on the format students are able to take the test.

"I mainly took it early on. Just because I knew I would have the summer to study for it. And then also, since the SAT is changing, taking it in this paper format to the digital format, I was also it was also a priority before it changed and became different," says Aaker.

Photo courtesy: school photo Cady Photography

Nathan’s schedule for his junior year is jam packed.

"I am a drum major in the band. I am part of the debate team. I am president of warfare theater, which is our math club. I am part of the last year I participated in the early mathematics, and you outnumber sense. I think those are the main ones," laughs Aaker.

He’s still unsure what he wants to study, but he wants to make sure his resume looks its best when he applies for college next year.

"Nathan is the kind of student that we would love to be able to clone and have, you know, 200 of Nathan," says Justin Smith, band director at Georgetown High School.


Now that Nathan has taken the test, he would like to give some advice to other students.

"The main thing that you can do is to just take practice tests and taking them in the most realistic environments possible, really just that practice and doing it over and over again, you get you're more prepared for when you get the actual event," says Aaker.

Georgetown ISD hosts PSAT testing for students and pays for every junior to take the test. 

The district does this so that every student has access to this college admissions test. It removes the barriers some families face with the cost of taking the test and/or the transportation needed to get to a testing site. 

At present, GISD has nearly 1,100 juniors enrolled in their schools who are eligible to take the test. 

Test dates this fall are October 25-26. 

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