Austin-based medical marijuana operator opens first Texas dispensary
AUSTIN, Texas - An Austin-based medical marijuana operator opened its first Texas dispensary in Southeast Austin.
Goodblend's open doors makes it one of three retail dispensaries in the state.
"Many Texans if you ask them don’t know that it’s legal, and it is," Goodblend Texas President Gene Tallman said.
In 2015, Texas passed the Compassionate Use Act to allow legal use of low-THC cannabis products for patients with epilepsy. Since, it’s been expanded to include patients with seizure disorders, autism, PTS, and cancer.
"We can walk you through and guide you through what would be best for your personal situation and condition," Tallman said.
To be eligible to shop, Tallman said customers must see a physician, be diagnosed with a condition, register with the Texas Compassionate Use Program and receive a prescription.
"We actually have links to virtual clinics, so you can actually do it from your home online," Tallman said.
Once at a store, Tallman said it’s a quick process.
"We have to check on the registry to make sure they’re there, then check their ID, typically a license, and as long as that matches, and they have a valid prescription, then we’ll fill it just like a pharmacy," Tallman said.
Goodblend offers non-smokable cannabis products such as gummies, chocolates, and tinctures, and they see their products from start to finish.
"We’re responsible for everything from growing the plants to processing those plants into medicine and actually dispensing it to patients," Tallman said.
An Austin-based medical marijuana operator opened its first Texas dispensary in Southeast Austin.
About 48,000 customers are registered for TCUP, but it’s estimated about 5 million are eligible.
"That’s really due to the lack of education and awareness about this program in Texas," Tallman said.
Texas lawmakers are set to vote on a revised House Bill 1805 that could expand cannabis use for chronic pain patients.