Gov. Abbott praises Kanye West for visiting Houston area prison

Texas Governor Greg Abbott praises Kanye West for visiting a Houston area prison. 

On Saturday, Kanye West performed for prisoners in a Houston Area jail, mentioning that what he's doing, " a mission, not a show."

After the performance, Governor Abbott re-tweeted a video praising West for visiting the jail. In the Tweet, Governor Abbott said "What [Kanye West] does to inspire the incarcerated is transformative. Saving one soul at a time." 

Governor Abbott also called on other artists to follow West's example, saying "Inmates who turn to God may get released earlier [because] of good behavior & may be less likely to commit future crimes. It would be great if other artists followed Kanye’s lead." 

Kanye's wife, Kim Kardashian West, was also in Texas this week. She was visiting Rodney Reed and was present as he learned that his death sentence was stayed by the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals.