Heartbreaking photos take you through a dog's last day on earth | FOX 7 Austin

Heartbreaking photos take you through a dog's last day on earth

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Courtesy: Brittany Moore Photography 

For decades, dogs have been referred to as 'man's best friend.' But what that title leaves out is that for most, dogs are simply a part of the family.

A viral photo shoot capturing the last day on earth for a dog named Livingston, shows his last day through his point of view and proves just how large a part of the family a dog can be.

Photographer Brittany Moore captured the photos of her beloved lab, knowing the end was near. On Facebook she writes that poor Livingston had been suffering, especially on the day the photos were shot.

"Today was a sad day for our family. He gave us so much love but he isn't suffering anymore. Till we meet again, Livi! Love you," Moore wrote on Facebook.

The day starts simple, with some playtime outside with his family, smelling grass and even eating some human food.


Then it was back inside for a plate of hamburgers with Livingston's family and his veterinarian.

After lunch it was time for the family to say goodbye. One by one, members of the family, hugged, kissed and pet their beloved Livingston one more time.  

The last few photos tell Livi's goodbye: "I'll always love you guys. You'll never know what you meant to me. Thank you for everything, Mommy. Love always, Livi."

The final photo contains just "Love always, Livi," and shows just Livi's paw, as her suffering comes to an end.

Moore's album has been shared more than 60,000 times on Facebook, and led to an outpouring of supportive comments. 

You can view the full album below: