Hill Country peach crops behind schedule due to heat, drought | FOX 7 Austin

Hill Country peach crops behind schedule due to heat, drought

Peaches can be seen growing on trees throughout the Texas Hill Country, but they are ripening about 2 to 3 weeks behind schedule. 

The amount being harvested at places like Jenschke Orchards is far less than what was picked the last two seasons.

"We are very grateful for what we have and we are going to make the best of it," said Lindsey Jenschke.

The breeze that blows through the Hill Country provides some relief from the extreme heat, but limited rain has intensified the drought. With a smaller peach crop, some locations have closed at times during the week. 

The Jenschkes have stopped allowing customers into their orchard to pick their own peaches. The trips are popular and the decision to stop them was difficult, according to Jenschke.

"We put everything we can harvest, we are putting it out selling it in the store just so we can keep the store open, keep our employees employed and make it through," said Jenschke.

Peaches can be seen growing on trees throughout the Texas Hill Country, but they are ripening about 2 to 3 weeks behind schedule. 

Customers are finding a smaller selection, but the heat has created a sweeter fruit to buy.

"What we were hoping for was to get a bigger size but even the small size that they have right now I can tell you the Quality is good, so disappointed, just a tad but not much I think it's still doable," said Tom Horton, who is from Killeen.

For this farm family, and others in the surrounding area, this season has a familiar feel to it. It seems to be setting up like the drought of 2011.

"In 2011, we had 10.55" this year. Five and a half inches, so we are right on track for 2011 again," said Travis Jenschke.

The situation now is not like the drought that hit in the 1950s, according to Travis Jenschke. 

The family believes conditions will bounce back and is expanding their 5,000 tree orchards. A new well is being drilled to feed new trees which will be planted in the back part of the farm.

"My biggest concern right now is if my wells will hold out. And if the wells give up we are in trouble until then we will be able to hang in there," said Travis Jenschke.

The hope is the rain will return in September, breaking the drought. That could extend the peach season into the fall and could bring a rare peach/pumpkin harvest.

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