How to report price gouging and protect yourself

Many people throughout the Texas coastline are reporting incidents of price gouging.

Price gouging during declared disasters is illegal.

Attorney General Ken Paxton announced that, in the wake of Hurricane Harvey, employees from the Consumer Protection Division and the Constituent Affairs Division will operate the Consumer Protection Hotline throughout this weekend.

If you are in an affected county and believe you are being scammed or have encountered price gouging during or after Hurricane Harvey, call the Office of the Attorney General's Consumer Protection Hotline toll-free at (800) 621-0508 or email

"During declared disasters, state law prohibits businesses from charging exorbitant prices for necessities such as gas, food, drinking water, clothing and lodging," Attorney General Paxton said. "Texans affected by Hurricane Harvey should take steps to protect themselves and report any alleged price gouging or scam contractors to the Office of the Attorney General."

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