Fundraiser held for Georgetown boy recovering from attack

Jeremy Diaz is a 6-year-old boy from Georgetown. Though young, Jeremy has touched the hearts of many people in his community. 

"Sometimes when you're a parent, you focus on your work. You send your children off to school and do some things, but you don't hear the stories of what they're doing and when they reverberate back to you. It is so amazing," said Arturo Diaz, Jeremy's father.

For the past month, the Diaz family has been living a nightmare seeing Jeremy in the hospital fighting for his life.


Jeremy and his mother were attacked by an intruder in their home with a bat, leaving Jeremy with serious brain injuries. 

"After the incident on Monday, there was really nothing more that the doctors could have done," Diaz said. "So, they brought my wife, and I am on Thursday and they conference to basically let us know that either we do one more or we just let him rest. I didn't want my boy to get cut anymore."

But Jeremy is one strong little boy. 

"He's opened his eyes. For about a day or two," Diaz said. "He's resting now."

 Anyone who knows Jeremy knows he’s the type of kid who loved to help out everyone.

Jeremy still has a long road to recovery. To help out, his jiu jitsu family organized a fundraiser to help cover his medical expenses. 

"I'm really fortunate that everyone is here, and everyone came, and it makes us very happy, and it’s very fun to serve and help Jeremy raise money for his care," said one of his teammates.

Diaz says he’s eternally grateful for the community for standing by Jeremy and praying for him as he’s in the hospital. 

"He's getting better every day. I just wait patiently in faith that he will make a full recovery and then he will stand. And thank all of you all himself," said Diaz.

 Until Jeremy is able to do so himself his team wants to remind him:

"Jeremy has our back now, we have his," his teammates said.

Click here to donate to Jeremy's GoFundMe page. Those wanting to help can also donate to the Central Texas Community Foundation's Share the Will site and note that their donation is for Jeremy and 100% of the money will be sent to his family.