John Bolton speaks in Austin, waits for Senate Impeachment decision

Security, provided by the Austin Police Department, greeted ambassador John Bolton and those who came to the Hyatt Thursday to hear him speak. The private event was organized by Luther King Capital Management, a high profile investment firm.

Bolton could be seen after the gathering talking to people in the back of the Hyatt meeting hall. During his speech, FOX 7 Austin was told he that he did talk politics, but according to Craig Hester with the investment firm, the topic was not exactly what has made Bolton a hot topic in Washington D.C.

"It was a private event for clients of our firm, to address the Geo-Political issues facing the Trump Administration this year and longer-term. that was it, nothing about anything else going on politically in the United States,” said Hester.

FOX 7 Austin was told that Bolton did joke about how he could find out later that his next speaking engagement could be in the U.S. Senate. House Democrats, who are trying to remove President Trump, want Bolton to testify. 

The former National Security Advisor has written a book about his days in the Trump Administration. The book reportedly includes a claim that he personally heard President Trump say he wanted military aid withheld from Ukraine, and that aid was tied to Ukrainian officials agreeing to investigate allegations of corruption by Hunter Biden; the son of Senator Joe Biden who is seeking the Democratic Party nomination for President.

Bolton's book was off-limits during the Q&A portion of his Austin appearance, but he was asked about former U.S. Ambassador to the Ukraine, Marie Louise Yovanovitch who was fired by the President. Bolton, according to those at the event, did not dispute the criticism of the President that she made during the House Impeachment Hearings.

Bolton drove away from the Austin Hyatt without making any other comments to reporters.