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The court heard from Colin Strickland in person for the first time on Friday. Strickland was Armstrong's live-in boyfriend and was with Anna Moriah Wilson the day she was killed.
AUSTIN, Texas - A highly anticipated witness took the stand on day three of the Kaitlin Armstrong murder trial. The court heard from Colin Strickland in person for the first time. He was Armstrong’s live-in boyfriend and was with Anna Moriah Wilson the day she was killed.
Colin Strickland was on the stand for about three hours. He spoke softly and was hard to hear in the packed courtroom. This was the first time we were able to hear from him directly about his relationship with Armstrong and his day with Wilson on the day of the murder.
Strickland, the person who seemed to be the reason why Armstrong and Moriah Wilson knew each other, testified Friday. Strickland said he and Armstrong dated on and off for years. During a break, he had a brief romantic relationship with Wilson, but were then just friends. Strickland said Armstrong would confront him about communicating with other women, including Wilson.
Kaitlin Armstrong trial: Strickland testifies
A highly-anticipated witness in the Kaitlin Armstrong murder trial testified Friday. Colin Strickland took the stand for the first time; he was Armstrong's live-in boyfriend who spent time with the victim, Moriah Wilson, the day she was killed.
On the stand, Strickland laid out a timeline of where he was the day of the murder. He said he went on a 3-hour bicycle ride, rode his motorcycle to a dentist appointment, picked up Wilson from her friend’s garage apartment she was staying at, they went swimming and had something eat, then he dropped her back off. Strickland said he didn’t tell Armstrong about those plans and made up an alibi.
Strickland said he got home, tried to get ahold of Armstrong, but couldn’t, so he started prepping his bike for the upcoming race. Armstrong is accused of killing Wilson during that time.
Strickland said Armstrong eventually came home in her black Jeep and everything seemed normal.
The next day, Strickland said he was shocked to find out Wilson had been killed.
- Colin Strickland testifies
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He was taken in for question while a search warrant of his home was issued and executed. Items found in the home and Armstrong’s black Jeep included a Texas license plate, a passport card belonging to Christine Armstrong, foreign currency, and two 9 mm handguns. Strickland said after 6.5 hours of questioning, he eventually went home where he was greeted by Armstrong and started talking about the day of the murder. Strickland said Armstrong told him she went to a waxing appointment, a yoga class, and then visited a healer, she never mentioned Wilson.
The next day, they met at a coffee shop because Armstrong was paranoid there were microphones in the home. Strickland left and never saw Armstrong again.
Strickland will be back on the stand Monday. Court starts back up at 9:00 a.m.