Kansas man sentenced to 15 years for having sex with minor

HOUSTON (AP) -- A Kansas man must serve 15 years in federal prison for flying an Ohio girl to Texas, taking her on a spring break cruise and having sex with her.
Paul Francis Grimm of Goddard, Kansas, was sentenced Tuesday in Houston.
The 44-year-old Grimm pleaded guilty to transporting a minor across state lines for criminal sexual activity. Grimm knew the 15-year-old girl when he lived in Ohio.
Prosecutors say Grimm had an online relationship with the teen, paid for her March 2014 flight from Cleveland to Houston, drove her to Galveston and they took a Caribbean cruise.
Grimm was arrested when the ship returned and an officer checking disembarking passengers noticed the man and girl had different last names and weren't related.
Grimm still faces child pornography production counts in Kansas.