New documents outline evidence in Ken Paxton impeachment trial

New documents have been released outlining evidence in the upcoming Texas Senate trial of impeached Attorney General Ken Paxton, including a burner Uber account for rides to meet his mistress.

The Texas House voted to impeach Paxton back in May and filed 20 Articles of Impeachment relating to claims of abuse of office and Paxton's dealings with Austin businessman Nate Paul.

According to documents from House managers, senior staff in the Attorney General's Office spent nine months trying to convince Paxton to not use his power to help Paul, who they considered a con man involved in a Ponzi scheme.

Paul created an Uber account for Paxton under the alias "Dave P" to go see his mistress.


In summer 2020 when Paul asked for a sealed FBI search warrant for his properties, Paxton urged his office give Paul the documents, despite decades of legal precedence against this.

The evidence also outlines Paxton's effort to stop a foreclosure auction of Paul's properties and Paxton using his power to let Paul conduct a sham criminal investigation through his office.


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