KFC selling chicken-scented bath bombs | FOX 7 Austin

KFC selling chicken-scented bath bombs


If you’ve ever longed to immerse yourself in a steaming bath of chicken broth, the opportunity has now presented itself.

On Oct. 31, KFC Japan announced a partnership with Japanese retailer Village Vanguard on Twitter to produce — no joke — fried-chicken-scented bath bombs, for a limited time only.


The drumstick-shaped bath bombs will be crafted with “eleven secret herbs and spices,” allowing you to soak in deep-fried scented glory, according to the Independent. But be warned: getting your hands on one won’t be easy.

To be eligible, one must follow KFC Japan on Twitter and retweet a promotional post of the bath bomb between Nov. 1 and Nov. 15. From there, 100 lucky individuals will receive their very own KFC-sanctioned explosive soap, as well as a KFC box and coupon for a Secret Combination Pack of chicken.

Read full story on FOXNEWS.COM

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