All aboard, artists! City of Kyle hosts railroad depot painting event

Calling all artists! The city of Kyle's Arts and Cultural Commission is looking for up to 30 artists to participate in the All Aboard! Railroad Depot Painting event.

The event will be held on Saturday, May 13 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Kyle Train Depot and Heritage Center at 100 W. Front Street. 

Artists age 18 and older can come participate in this free event and paint a picture of the historic depot using an acrylic medium. 


Participating artists wishing to participate will receive an acrylic paint kit, that includes five small tubes of acrylic paint and a 16x20 inch canvas. 

Artists are required to use the 16x20 inch canvas but are encouraged to bring other acrylic paints beyond the five provided. Artists will also need to bring brushes, an easel, and a personal assortment of acrylic paints. 

Artists are asked to report to the Train Depot at 9 a.m. to secure a spot before the location opens to the public at 10 a.m. Artists can select a spot inside or outside the depot grounds to set up their easels and work. 

Thirty kits will be available for the 30 artists to use in this event on a first-come, first-serve basis. Artists wishing to reserve a spot can fill out this Google Form by Wednesday, May 10, says the city.

The public is also welcome to watch the artists as they work while the historic Kyle Train Depot and Heritage Center is open.  

The completed artwork will be on display at Kyle City Hall during June and July, giving the public an opportunity to view the finished pieces and vote for one to become a postcard for the Kyle Train Depot and Heritage Center.