Lehman HS baseball team cleans up old Little League field | FOX 7 Austin

Lehman HS baseball team cleans up old Little League field

At long last, the Lehman High School baseball team got to take the field on Saturday at their brand new athletic complex, funded by a voter-approved bond. But on Sunday, they were back at the Little League Field where they practiced for several months while their new digs were under construction. 

However, the team wasn’t at the Black Star Athletic Complex to play ball. They were there to pay it forward, by cleaning the place up. 

"They helped us out, let us practice here for three months, and we're going to help them out by cleaning up the trash that people dump," said player Peter Cienega. 

Sadly, Black Star has been used not just as a ballfield, but as a dumping ground, in recent months. 

"We picked up some mattresses, couches, lots of trash, diapers, anything you can think of," said Cienega. 

The Lehman Lobos say it’s the least they can do to say ‘thank you’, and to give the young teams who still call Black Star home a cleaner place to play. 

"We want to be able to take opportunities to give back when we can," said head boys baseball coach Jacob Kaase. "And show our gratitude and a token of appreciation."


Parents of the players say it’s a chance for their teens to learn what it truly means to be part of a team. 

"It's very important for them to clean up and help get involved in the community and just kind of be active out in the community—and everybody can get to know Lehman High School and the Lehman baseball boys," said parent Kimberley Murchison.

There will be a community event at Lehman High School on Saturday, April 6th, to officially unveil the new baseball complex. It includes a ribbon-cutting ceremony at 9AM, a homerun derby and radar challenge at 1PM, and an alumni softball game at 3PM. Local vendors and activities for all ages open at noon, with food concessions available all day. To register, click here.

Hays CountyHigh School Sports