Local police departments receive support amid more violence

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Another shooting leaves three people dead and a deputy injured at a Michigan courthouse on Monday. As violence continues to strike, support for our local law enforcement continues to pour in. The young and old are taking time to back the blue.

"Thank you Leander Police for keeping us safe. I'm sorry that happened," Leander Police Chief Greg Minton reading letter.

Tyler wrote a letter and baked cookies for the Leander Police Department on Monday. It's a gesture of support being shown by many community members.

"You hear a lot of negativity on police and there's not a lot of people that just stand there the whole time saying all cops are great. With this our officers, even our younger guys that are just starting, see that people do care. I know they're out there because I've experienced that but it's always nice when you hear that from others saying, 'Hey we appreciate what you do; we know you're there,'" says Chief Minton.

The Austin Police Department received a memorial in front of their headquarters. It's a thank you to APD officers and their service, as well as honors the fallen officers in Dallas. Although many are on their side, violence continues to strike.

On Monday a shooting at a Michigan courthouse left two court bailiffs dead and a deputy sheriff injured. This is after an inmate broke loose and got his hands on an officer's gun. 

The gunman ran into a hallway where he shot a civilian in the arm before being killed by responding police.
It's another tragedy our local police department's hate to hear about. 

"Anybody in that field of law enforcement, that's injured or hurt by trying to do their job, they're going to do their job. Their job is to protect the courts, their job is to protect this building, their job is to protect this community. I mean, it's felt across the nation," says Chief Minton.

"What we have is individuals for whatever reason, who decide to commit crimes, and they do that to a number of different symbols of the government - which we are. It's not going to solve anything," says Chief Charles Hooker, Pflugerville Police Department.

Chief Hooker says the solution is to come together, which is what he has seen over the past couple of days.

Every breakfast, lunch and dinner has been taken care of by citizens of our community that have come in. That next day, I believe we had 25 pizzas come in delivered. We've had a barbecue dinner delivered for all the officers that were working," says Chief Hooker.

Georgetown has seen the same support. They have a message for the community.

"Georgetown Police Department would like to extend a very heartfelt "Thank You" to our incredible community for their continued love and support! We cannot begin to explain how deeply you have touched our hearts and helped during this tragic time! Together we can heal...together we can be strong...together we continue to make Georgetown an incredible place to live and work!"

Some of our local police departments say the best way to understand them better is to stop by, say hello and ask questions. You can also apply for a Citizen Police Academy.