Local WWII veteran, Purple Heart recipient turns 100

A World War II veteran is celebrating his 100th birthday in Georgia on Wednesday. 

Vernon I. Frontz was born in Wolf Township, Pennsylvania on June 8, 1916. He currently lives in Stockbridge with his daughter. 

Frontz, also known as "Jellybean," is a Purple Heart recipient as well as a retired member of the United States Railroad. Next week, according to his granddaughter, the U.S. Railroad will honor and celebrate his milestone birthday. 

Frontz lived in Atlanta up until January of 2015 before moving to Stockbridge to be closer to his family members. He has one daughter, two granddaughters, five great-grandchildren and one great-great-granddaughter. 

Tracy Clement, one of his granddaughters, said he was an active deacon at Northside Baptist Church, visited hospitals and volunteered to drive elderly to the grocery store when needed. He also was known for balancing his own checkbook the old-fashioned way and cooking his own meals! 

Clement also told FOX 5 her granddad loves Krispy Kreme glazed doughnuts! 

"He has recently gotten physically weak and his eating has slowed down, but glazed doughnuts are one of his favorites of all time!" she said. 

According to Clement, Frontz has been on home hospice over the past year for congestive heart failure and weakness, but she said he's still thriving. 

"He is the most genuine, selfless, lovable, kind hearted man I've ever met in my life," Clement said. "His hospice nurses say they have never met a man so kind and loving in their life. They adore him as we all do!"

Wednesday evening, Frontz's loved ones will have a small birthday party in Stockbridge. 

From all of us at FOX 5 News, happy birthday Mr. Frontz!