Marijuana candy production operation found in Pasco Co. | FOX 7 Austin

Marijuana candy production operation found in Pasco Co.

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Police in New Port Richey have busted a drug operation they say was packaging marijuana to look like candy.

"This one here is made to look like a Reeses Pieces," said Dep. Chief Steve Kostas. "This one here is an Oreo."

Hours after seizing 6-and-a-half-pounds of individually wrapped marijuana candies from a home on William Tell Drive, New Port Richey Police showed FOX 13 News the haul.

"The concentrated chemicals of the marijuana, the THC, is so great that it could cause an overdose," said Kostas.

He says Louis Serball, III packaged 149 marijuana candies, likely for sale. He is charged with marijuana possession, and is said to have admitted to making the product.

"They could sell it to an adult, the adult could get distracted, leave it on a table, if they have small children, it looks like a piece of candy, they are going to pick it up and try to consume it," said Kostas.

At a park just a mile-and-a-half from Serball's home, there was much the same concern.

"It is scary because I have had friends who have lost their children from addiction," said Joyce Heissner. "They have tried to get them into rehab because they know they have a problem. That part is sad to see, the kids don't realize."

Police also found 50 grams of leafy marijuana. They couldn't say exactly how much Serball's weed candy could make on the street.

"They are the pushers. They want to make the money. That's how they are looking at it. Gotta nail them," said Heissner.

Serball has a long criminal history and has been charged with drug trafficking several times before. It all started with an undercover drug buy.