Mayor Adler urges social distancing at parks and trails, it’s the law | FOX 7 Austin

Mayor Adler urges social distancing at parks and trails, it’s the law

More than half of the cases of COVID-19 in Austin come from the age group 20 to 39. The city said there is even a person in their 20's who is critically ill.

“I would imagine in that age group, there's a belief that it's not that serious. Folks in that age group also get sick but beyond that even if you're asymptomatic even if you don't have symptoms, people in that position are infecting other people for four days and up to 11 days,” said Austin Mayor Steve Adler.

Adler issued a stay at home order in March. Governor Greg Abbott later made a statewide order. Mayor Adler says people in Austin can still leave for essential reasons, or go jogging, however, he said he has begun to notice too many people gathering at parks and trails.

“I think the city does need to take a look at where we are now, and..stronger action in those places that are presenting the greatest risks. Police could certainly arrest somebody and somebody could be fined for violating our order. So it does have the strength and teeth associated with the law,” said Adler.

Mayor Adler also believes the city cannot police a way through this. It's going to take cooperation from the community. “The city can be doing really well, but it only takes a few people that are not joining in that effort,” he said.

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Symptoms for coronavirus COVID-19 include fever, coughing, and shortness of breath. These, of course, are similar to the common cold and flu. Expect a common cold to start out with a sore or scratchy throat, cough, runny and/or stuffy nose. Flu symptoms are more intense and usually come on suddenly, and can include a high fever.

Symptoms of COVID-19 may appear more slowly. They usually include fever, a dry cough and noticeable shortness of breath, according to the World Health Organization. A minority of cases develop pneumonia, and the disease is especially worrisome for the elderly and those with other medical problems such as high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes or heart conditions.

Right now there's one big difference between flu and coronavirus: A vaccine exists to help prevent the flu and it's not too late to get it. It won't protect you from catching the coronavirus but may put you in a better position to fight it.

To protect yourself, wash your hands well and often, keep them away from your face, and avoid crowds and standing close to people. And if you do find yourself showing any of these flu or coronavirus symptoms - don't go straight to your doctor's office. That just risks making more people sick, officials urge. Call ahead, and ask if you need to be seen and where.



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