Medicare open enrollment begins: What you need to know

Medicare open enrollment kicked off earlier this week.

Michelle Davis joins FOX 7 Austin's Mike Warren to discuss what you need to know.

MICHELLE DAVIS: I'm actually with the Area Agency on Aging. We are a member of the Aging Services Council and Medicare open enrollment did start this past Tuesday. We are getting a lot of calls about open enrollment and what needs to be done. Basically, open enrollment is for those who wish to look at other plans to make sure that their medical needs are being met. They don't have to change their plan if they don't want to. But we do have the means to help them choose another plan that will better suit their needs and make sure that they're well taken care of.

MIKE WARREN: How long does open enrollment actually last?

MICHELLE DAVIS: Open enrollment is from October 15th through December 7th. That's where you can make all your changes. Also, there's a second open enrollment specifically for a Medicare Advantage plan. So that's January 1st through December, I'm sorry, January 1st through March 31st. And you can switch Medicare Advantage plans to another advantage plans. So there's actually two at that time. 

MIKE WARREN: For those who already have coverage. What should they look out for when they're renewing their plan?

MICHELLE DAVIS: All right. So basically the out-of-pocket costs. So if they have like, for example, if their out-of-pocket costs all of a sudden becomes higher, especially drug coverage, if if they are on a drug plan or an advantage plan, you may want to call one of us here at the area agency on aging and talk to one of us and make sure that the plan that you're on is the best plan for your needs. There are going to be some changes in 2025. One is the donut hole, which quite a few people do get into with their medications. That's actually going away. And there is a new plan. It's called the Medicare prescription payment plan. It's a new payment option for prescription drugs. If your prescription cost over the year is you're paying out of pocket $2,000, they're going to cap that at $2,000, and they're going to spread that payment throughout the year. So you're not going to be having large payments and things for your Medicare drug coverage.

MIKE WARREN: Where can people go to find out more information?

MICHELLE DAVIS: Well, you can call us here at the Area Agency on Aging. Our phone number is 512-916-6178. And me or two other of our benefit counselors will be happy to help you.

MIKE WARREN: Okay, terrific. Michelle Davis with the Aging Services Council, thank you for joining us.

MICHELLE DAVIS: Thank you very much.