Millions of Texans expected to travel for Memorial Day weekend

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If you plan to hit the road Memorial Day weekend be prepared to have some company. Millions of Texans are expected to travel.

AAA says it expects more than three million Texans will be traveling. That's the highest number of people since 2005 so law enforcement agencies are stepping up patrols to keep everyone safe.

One of the major issues will be stranded drivers. AAA says it expects to help more than 21,000 people during the travel period due to dead batteries, flat tires and lockouts.

Austin police recommend driving defensively. They say to avoid distraction and other drivers who may be speeding or tailgating. 

Interim Police Chief Brian Manley says they're urging everyone to drive responsibly.

APD is conducting a "No Refusal" initiative starting tonight (5/26) at 9 p.m. Anyone suspected of driving drunk who refuses a breathalyzer will be forced by court order to provide a blood or breath sample.

If you plan to drink as part of the holiday weekend there are a number of ways to get home safely. The best option is to designate a driver before you head out. Other options include taking public transportation, catching a cab or ride hailing service or just call a friend.