Mosquito trap near Williamson County park tests positive for West Nile for second time in three weeks

A sampling of mosquitos at a trap near the Southwest Williamson County Regional Park has tested positive for West Nile Virus, marking the second time this trap has had mosquitoes test positive in the past three weeks.

The Williamson County and Cities Health District have set up two expanded trap sites near the park, and both of those came up with negative test results at this time. No other samples were found to be positive from routine trapping this week.

RELATED: Additional West Nile Virus samples collected in Williamson County

Park hours have been adjusted to 7:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. starting July 28 to prevent park visitors from being exposed to mosquitos when they're the most active.

Health officials are encouraging residents to remain vigilant about protecting themselves from mosquito bites and preventing mosquito breeding on their personal property. Residents are asked to remove all standing water around their house or on their property as mosquitos cannot breed without standing water.

Residents are also advised to treat ponds, rain barrels, or other stagnant water that can't be drained with a larvicide, which the county says can be found at local home improvement stores. Williamson County parks staff will continue mosquito control efforts with draining or treating standing water with larvicide.

There have been no reported human cases of West Nile Virus in Williamson County since 2017. The Texas Department of State Health Services reported the first human case of West Nile Virus this year on July 23, which was in an adult resident of Tarrant County who later died. Williamson County says there has been no evidence of mosquitoes transmitting COVID-19.

RELATED: West Nile Virus detected in mosquito trapping site in Williamson County

The mosquito species that transmits West Nile Virus is most active at dawn and dusk, so the county is advising residents to be most cautious at those times by following the three Ds of mosquito safety:

  • Drain standing water in flower pots, pet dishes or clogged gutters and treat water that can't be drained
  • Defend by using an EPA-approved insect repellent
  • Dress in long sleeves and pants when outdoors

For more information on mosquito safety, visit the Williamson County and Cities Health District's website.