Motorcyclist's wife says he was left for dead

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A motorcyclist is in bad shape tonight after being hit by a car in Manor this past weekend. His wife reached out to FOX 7 for help in finding the driver she says left him for dead.

35-year-old Michael Lang underwent surgery on his neck and spine on Tuesday. It is one of many that he will need over the next few weeks. The driver who reportedly hit him is nowhere to be found.

This picture shows Michael Lang on his motorcycle this past year. This picture shows him after he was hit by a vehicle in Manor over the weekend.

"When I got to the hospital he could barely speak but he said, 'he hit me and he left me there.' He's like, 'I thought I was going to die,'" says Rebecca Gaspar, victim's wife.

A broken neck in three places, injuries to his spinal column - those are just the most severe injuries which have currently left him paralyzed. Lang also has a broken shoulder, arm, wrist and fingers. His wife Rebecca Gaspar has been praying for a miracle.

"I'm just like, please let him be okay because we have a daughter. I can't do this by myself, I just can't. I need him," says Gaspar.

DPS says the hit-and-run crash happened Saturday evening on the 8200 block of FM 973 near the SH45 toll road in Manor. Lang reportedly told his wife at the hospital what he remembers.

He was on his motorcycle and going through a traffic light that had just turned green. At the same time, Lang says another vehicle ran the red light and slammed into him. He reportedly flew off his bike and ended up on another vehicle's bumper, before hitting the concrete on the bridge.

"He made sure that he only drove during the day. He never rode at night just because he knows how dangerous it is. That this happened so close to home is so disappointing and that someone would hit him and leave him like that," says Gaspar.

DPS says witnesses have given conflicting reports on the decription of the vehicle that fled the scene.
Gaspar is asking the community to help her find the runaway driver.

"I know that you didn't hit him on purpose. Nobody is intentionally trying to get in any car accident, but you didn't stop. You didn't check to see if he was okay, you know. We just want to know why and want you to come forward and let us know what happened," says Gaspar.

In the meantime, she's hoping to help build up her husband's strength with the love of their 17-month-old daughter.

"Get better for her because you need to know she's waiting for us," says Gaspar.

DPS is investigating the incident and are in the process of checking surveilence video from the nearby toll road.