New city of Pflugerville utility rates reflected on October water bills

The city of Pflugerville is reminding residents that as they view their utility bills this month, they might be higher than in previous months.

The new utility rates have gone into effect, which the City says are higher to align with the rising costs of water and wastewater services and critical infrastructure.

The average residential water customer will see a $23 per month increase, the average wastewater customer will see a $22.50 per month increase. Combined, the overall increase for the average city residential water/wastewater customer is $45.50 per month.

The City's Water and Wastewater Utility Fund is funded through utility rates and development-funded impact fees and is separate from the City's General Fund, which includes other city operations including police, parks and recreation, administration, library and more.


Several large projects totaling over $600 million in capital improvements are underway, including a water plant expansion, wastewater plant expansion, a second wastewater treatment plant, and a secondary water line to feed water into Lake Pflugerville, which supplies the city's primary drinking water needs.

Studies confirmed that current utility rates would not recover the costs of providing water and wastewater services. These critical water and wastewater projects are required to continue to meet the demand of the growing community.

Based on $500 million in critical infrastructure projects outlined in the City's five-year capital improvement program, the City began to adjust rates to support necessary upgrades for continued operation of water and wastewater services.
