North Austin neighborhood floods during Thursday storms, residents blame city | FOX 7 Austin

North Austin neighborhood floods during Thursday storms, residents blame city

Storms last Thursday caused a headache for many residents along Mearns Meadow Boulevard in North Austin, where leftover debris from the February ice storm has been piling up in a creek. When the rain came Thursday, it caused major flooding. 

Dustin Grant's house flooded, and the waters even pushed a fence over. His house is now filled with fans. 

"I noticed water just creeping up on the floor within my house," he said. "There was a lot of debris left, and dead trees and whatnot that fell into the creek. All of the debris came forward through the creek blocking the canals here and causing the water to flow over instead of being able to use the natural irrigation that they should have."

He said he filed three service requests with the city to try to get them to clean it up, but they were closed with no action, until he saw crews Saturday.

"The maintenance is needed year-round within the creek and the watershed as a whole," he said.

The city's Watershed Protection Department sent FOX 7 the following:

"Watershed Protection crews cleared the area near a culvert on Mearns Meadow Blvd. and Quail Valley Blvd. on April 11, 2023. The winter storm earlier this year exacerbated the amount of debris and downed limbs in and around creeks throughout Austin. Some of this debris may have gotten washed downstream during the storm Thursday evening and clogged the culvert again.

"We investigate all 3-1-1 calls and create work orders as appropriate. The priority of the issue, other projects and other City responses, such as cleanup after the winter storm, all factor into the timeframe for completing any given work order. We typically have 6,000 requests from residents at any given time.

"To prepare for more incoming rain, crews worked through this weekend along Little Walnut Creek, focusing on the area along Mearns Meadow, to clear debris. More than 20 culverts were cleared of debris in north Austin. 

"Please note that there are many houses on and near Mearns Meadow Blvd. that are in the floodplain and at risk of flooding with enough rainfall. We have a Capital Improvement Project that will significantly reduce the risk of flooding in this area once it is completed. Please note that the construction is currently on hold while a new contractor is found. There is more information at"


"We need to look back at the budget where we're putting our money and where our taxes are going to be able to handle just general maintenance within the city," Grant said.

North Austin