North Texas Storm Damage

North Texas towns were hammered Monday night and Tuesday morning with at least one confirmed tornado and high speed straight-line winds. The focus of the damage was southwest of Fort Worth.

Home surveillance video in Fort Worth captured what appears to be a tornado. You can see trash cans along the street suddenly hurled into the air. Other debris then swirls by.

The wild weather began to roll through North Texas Monday night.

The Parker County community of Cool experienced what the National Weather Service deemed an EF-1 tornado. Debris from homes was scattered across a highway there. Winds were estimated at 50-60 miles per hour.

"It was like what you see in a hurricane. The wind was just going horizontal. I mean you couldn't see anything. It was scary,” said one resident.

Early Tuesday morning heavy rain fell in Denton County stranding drivers.

Emergency personnel waded through thigh-deep water to rescue six children from a school bus caught on a flooded road.

Water rescues continued throughout the day.

In the town of Tolar in Hood County, a dozen mobile homes were either damaged or destroyed by winds estimated at 60 to 70 miles per hour. Two people were taken to a hospital, one with a collapsed lung, the other with a broken back. Surprisingly, those were the only injuries.

One woman snapped a photo of a funnel cloud in the area.

Farther west in the town of Stephenville, the roof was torn off an apartment. The cause is said to be straight line winds. Again, no lives lost.