Palestine supporters rally at Texas Capitol, downtown Austin

"It needs to be change somehow, and we are here to change it," said protestor, Sam Antaki.

Palestinian flags filled the streets of downtown Austin Sunday afternoon as crowds of Palestine supporters chanted from block to block. 

"Beautiful man that’s never ever happened in USA, just the people, you know, they are coming from everywhere," Antaki said. "The people basically, they need justice, and they need freedom for each one of these countries which is Palestine."

"It's incredible, I don't think Austin has seen this big of a crowd. It's just a testament of what the people want, and it is a testament for what Palestinians are going through, which is a pretty hard time right now," said protestor Abdullah Alqaroot.


Abdullah Alqaroot is from Palestine. He says he is standing in the gap for those who are still in Gaza.

"We are all family," Alqaroot said.

"We are the United States of America," Antaki said. "We moved here, we are working here, but we left our kids in back home in Gaza."

As the conflicts continues, the death toll among Palestinians and Israelis continues to rise.

Israel Hamas warDowntown