Pflugerville mosque site of hate crime

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Police say a mosque in Pflugerville was the target of a hate crime. Pflugerville police released photos of what a member of the Islamic Center of Pflugerville found early Monday morning.

Piles of feces and torn-up pages from a quran were left in front of the door.

"We've always treated this place as an oasis so it's unexpected and quite shocking for us that something like this can happen here," said member Faisal Naeem.

Faisal Naeem is a board member at the facility. One can only assume there is a connection between what happened in Paris and the vandalism. He says there shouldn't be.

"It's a few individuals who did what they did. They don't represent 1.6 billion Muslims. They don't represent me for sure and the Austin Muslim community," said Naeem.

He said he has never felt afraid being in this location. That has changed.

"I'm afraid. I'm afraid of what to tell my kids were born and bred here, go to school here saying the Pledge of Allegiance at school so what do I tell them that they are Americans but not quite?  And that's sad," said Naeem.

But then he said there are people like Laura Swanson who are reaching out. She and her son Jack came by the center to give a donation.

"It's disgusting. It's gross. It doesn't matter what you believe or anybody believes, all faith is important and especially peaceful faith," said Swanson. "What happened in Paris is not what happened in Pflugerville. We should all be here supporting each other."

"It's $20, but it's worth $20 million to me and our community," said Naeem.

If you can help police to find who is responsible for this call the Pflugerville Police Department at 512-251-4004.