Prosecutors want David DePape to be sentenced to 40 years after Pelosi attack

Image: David DePape and Paul and Nancy Pelosi. (Photo of DePape by Michael Short of the San Francisco Chronicle via AP.)

Federal prosecutors are recommending a 40-year sentence for the man convicted of breaking into former U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's San Francisco and attacking her husband, Paul, with a hammer. 

In a sentencing memorandum filed in U.S. District Court in San Francisco, prosecutors said that David DePape has failed to take responsibility for his crimes and has not shown remorse. They also argued that his sentencing should include a terrorism enhancement.

Prosecutors referred to DePape’s crimes as "an assault on our democracy and fundamental values."

DePape’s attorneys, federal public defenders Jodi Linker and Angela Chuang, have requested a 14-year prison sentence, citing their client’s "abusive, long-term relationship with a partner who exploited his innate vulnerabilities and immersed him in a world of extreme beliefs where reality is not reality."

They also argued DePape has shown remorse for his actions, citing his trial testimony "during which he explained that he felt ‘really scared for [Mr. Pelosi’s] life.’"

Sentencing is scheduled for Friday.

In 2023, a federal jury found DePape guilty of attempted kidnapping of a federal official and assault on the immediate family member of a federal official. 

DePape's attack on Paul Pelosi in October 2022 was captured on police body camera video. 

DaPape admitted to carrying out the attack on October 28, and said his plan was to end what he viewed as government corruption.

DePape testified that his plan was to get Nancy Pelosi and other targets to admit to their corruption. He said he bludgeoned Paul Pelosi after realizing his larger plan might be unraveling.