Protesters of Damond shooting take over mayor's press conference

Protesters of the fatal police shooting of Justine Damond disrupted Mayor Betsy Hodges' press conference at City Hall in Minneapolis.

Hodges had scheduled a press conference about the resignation of Police Chief Janee Harteau.

Protesters of the shooting had gathered at Loring Park and marched in the downtown, disrupting Green and Blue light rail lines along the way.

Protesters then went into the room of the press conference, interrupting Hodges and eventually overtaking the conference.

John Thompson, a friend of Philando Castile who also died in an officer-related shooting, started interrupting Hodges, calling her an "ineffective leader."

"Your press conference ineffective because you won't let the people in, and you didn't want to hear us. We're asking you to resign," said Thompson.

RELATED: Latest on Minneapolis police shooting of Justine Damond

The president of the Minneapolis Police Officers Union also weighed in, telling Fox 9 that the chief's resignation was political, but he wasn't too sad to see her go.

"We all had high hopes for Chief Harteau," he said. "Which faded within the first six months of her tenure."

On Friday, Hodges announced her pick to be the next chief, veteran Assistant Chief Medaria Aradando.