Public asked for input on how Austin police use body cams, dash cams

The City of Austin is asking for the public's feedback on the Austin Police Department’s rules related to how and when officers use their camera equipment. 

The online survey will be open for all until April 1, 2022.  Once this survey closes, the community feedback will be organized into a report for the City Manager, Austin City Council, and the Austin Police Department.

"Civic engagement is part of a healthy, functioning democracy," said the Office of Police Oversight (OPO). "We encourage all community members to get involved in the process of improving the Austin Police Department’s rules."

Once this survey closes, the community feedback will be organized into a report for the City Manager, Austin City Council, and the Austin Police Department.

The online survey pertains to two types of camera equipment: body-worn cameras and dashboard cameras. Body-worn cameras are small cameras worn by officers to capture what the officers see and hear while dashboard cameras are cameras installed in police vehicles.

In the survey, the word "rules" refers to the Austin Police Department’s internal policies. The rules within the Austin Police Department General Orders guide most actions taken by Austin police officers and cover everything from how to file reports to the use of force, according to the city.

Click here to complete the survey.

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