Puppies like baby talk

I dare you. The next time you pick up a puppy try not to use baby talk. It's impossible. Why we do this? No one is sure but one thing researchers now know: puppies prefer it. Fur babies, real babies. It doesn't make a difference because our dogs are our children so naturally we talk to them the same way.

You know it-- that slow high-pitched tone filled with so much love and sweetness. Oh my goodness, it i just enough to make everyone around us cringe.

At the School for Dogs on the Lower East Side, baby talk isn't just the second language... it might be the only one.

I admit it. I tried it on my dog when she was a puppy. And it worked... I think. The sweater though -- that's a different story.

Anyway, the study -- published in the Journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B -- found that just as baby talk helps infants learn words easier, it helps puppies learn commands.

There might be something to this baby talk after all. For pups-it is a real treat; second best only of course to the kind that tastes like peanut butter. 
