Residents unable to pay rent due to COVID-19 are advised to talk to their landlords | FOX 7 Austin

Residents unable to pay rent due to COVID-19 are advised to talk to their landlords

It's a warm, sunny spring day in Austin. It’s a time when many would be out on Congress Avenue. However, barely anyone is on the streets after COVID-19 shut down the city.

“It's really important we maintain trying to drive down the physical interactions between people. If we don't do that, that's how the infection spreads,” said Austin Mayor Steve Adler.

He posted his first of many upcoming video updates to the public on the city response to the virus. He doubled down on maintaining social distance during this trying time.

“We are having too many people too close at the spillway of Barton Springs, too many people bunching up together on the running trail,” said Adler.

RELATED:, FOX launches national hub for COVID-19 news and updates

A bulk of the confirmed positives are coming from the age group 20-39, and Adler is urging young adults to follow orders. “This could be the moment for these generations to really show who they are. But they have to be concerned about their grandparents and other people's grandparents,” he said.

COVID-19 is wreaking havoc on people's health and also wallets.

“The council is going to be meeting here at our next meeting trying to bring resources to people most at need,” said Adler.

Council also passed an ordinance that would halt evictions for 60 days.

RELATED: Austin City Council passes 60-day eviction hold-off for renters

“Property owners are definitely trying to work with their renters when they have the opportunity, but what that could mean is that property becomes foreclosed on and we have a larger problem and a shortage of housing,” said Renee Zahn with the Austin Apartments Association.

Zahn says if you are able to, go ahead and pay the rent on time. If you are unable to right now, talk to your landlord.

“There are plenty of property owners working through that and the TAA and AAA have provided resources to property owners to make that easier,” said Zahn.


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