Rodney Reed supporters celebrate suspended execution, “the fight is far from over” | FOX 7 Austin

Rodney Reed supporters celebrate suspended execution, “the fight is far from over”

Death row inmate Rodney Reed no longer has an execution date but supporters say the fight to bring him home is not over.

On Sunday evening people rallied across the nation and outside the Governor's Mansion in Austin as a call to action.
"We are just getting warmed up we are just getting started they gave us time to get our act together and get it into court like it should've been 22 and half years ago," said Reed’s brother Roderick Reed. "The war is still ongoing and I don't want nobody to think that we have a victory here because we are far from a victory."
Convicted of the 1996 murder of Stacey Stites, Reed was facing a November 20th execution date.

The date has since been thrown out by the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals who stayed Reed's execution. It is the second time Reed's case has been stayed.
"Rodney was given a stay he was given the same stay in 2015 and now has to sit there for an additional four and a half years we are asking that the four and a half years be ceased, this is a political football game," said Mark Clements a supporter of Rodney Reed.
Reed's case will be reviewed in an evidentiary hearing in Bastrop County. Reed's attorney's need to prove three claims, the possibility of concealed information, false testimony and that he may be innocent.