Runaway buffalo named 'Big Boy' caught on video in Round Rock

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Round Rock Police shot video of a runaway buffalo Friday afternoon while they helped the Williamson County Sheriff's Dept. try to round him up.

Owner Joe Don Kotrla-Chipps -- or J.D. -- says his buffalo's name is Big Boy.

He understands why law enforcement are a bit frustrated.

"I don't blame them, man I can appreciate them having as much patience as they have," he said.

Kotrla-Chipps says Big Boy first started jumping his fence a few days ago. He's had to go find him several times since then. But Friday morning Big Boy decided to take a walk through this neighborhood.

"7:00 a guy came in the driveway just as I was going out the front door and said 'there's a buffalo out there on the highway!' I thought 'Ohhh,'" J.D. said.

When we found J.D. he was walking around the woods looking for Big Boy trying to get him back to his ranch a couple of miles away.

His friend Todd showed up with a trailer to help look.

The plan was to corner him and get a vet to come out and tranquilize him.

J.D.'s a Vietnam vet who has owned many-a-buffalo over the years.

"This isn't the way it normally is. 25 years and this is the only one I've had this trouble with you know. And he's a jumper! That's just it," he said.

For those who live in the neighborhood like Kari Harris...she says it's interesting happens.

"Well we've had cattle come through here. There's some longhorns that live over there that have come through the neighborhood. So it was unusual but we've seen it before. We're in Texas," she said.

Back at J.D's ranch...pigs, dogs, a name it, he's got it.

And thanks to help from Todd, Big Boy is there now too.

"Todd just kept pushing him towards home you know. And there he is," J.D. said.

He's relieved he didn't have to tranquilize his buddy.

"He's an exceptional buffalo. And that's why I want to keep him you know. There's something there that's over and above all my other ones that I've had," J.D. said.

We spoke with the Williamson County Sheriff's Office. They said, yes they have had to deal with the buffalo a few times.

They say they gave J.D. a citation for violating the "Open range act."

J.D. says this weekend someone is coming to take Big Boy for about a week while he builds a bigger and better fence.