Water pipe leaks at San Marcos parks during Stage 3 drought

San Marcos warns Stage 3 drought conditions can lead to pipe leaks at city parks. They're asking everyone to bring reusable water bottles. (San Marcos Parks & Recreation)

The City of San Marcos is asking everyone to bring their own water to city parks during the Stage 3 drought response.

During extreme heat and drought conditions, the City says it's been experiencing about 3 water line breaks per day at its parks.

Anytime temperatures reach over 100 degrees, the City says the clay-type soil we have in our region of Texas begins to dry and crack and it's been compromising pipes and leading to fractures and leaks.

When this happens, City crews have to shut off water access to restrooms and/or water fountains to make repairs.

The City says, "Please know we recognize the importance of these resources and will get them operational as soon as possible."

The City says there are portable toilet restrooms at City Park, Children’s Park and Rio Vista Park and it's important to bring reusable water bottles for yourself and your pets.

If you see a leak in a San Marcos park, you're asked to report it at sanmarcostx.gov/smtxconnect.

For up-to-date information on Water and Energy Conservation, visit sanmarcostx.gov/conservation.