Photogenic pups help raise money for San Marcos Regional Animal Shelter | FOX 7 Austin

Photogenic pups help raise money for San Marcos Regional Animal Shelter

Paws gathered for a cause in San Marcos on Sunday. 

The Porch on E. Hopkins St. hosted the second annual SANTA PAWS event to raise awareness, funds and product donations for the San Marcos Regional Animal Shelter.

"We’re just kind of sharing in the community and showing how much we love dogs," said the owner of The Porch and The Taproom, Samantha Strahan. "We’re having a good time."

Attendees were able to enjoy live music by the Time of Night Brass Band aka The Rudolph Horns and their pets could get a photo with Santa with a suggested donation. 

Santa himself had a personal tie as the event was his brainchild last year. The inaugural event was so successful they decided to do it again. 


"My wife and I work with a golden retriever rescue in Austin, and we have four golden retrievers ourselves," said Ken Fitzgerald or ‘Fitz.’ "We’ve rescued dozens of dogs over the years and decided to get with the owners of the Taproom and figure out what we could do for the animal shelters here." 

The event was sponsored by Tito’s Vodka and Shiner Beer.

To see a list of current needs at the San Marcos Regional Animal Shelter, click here.

Pets and AnimalsSan MarcosHolidays