Special curbside collection of tree limbs in Georgetown begins

City of Georgetown officials say that a special curbside collection of tree limbs for residents who live within city limits is starting this week after the winter storm and freezing temperatures from February 11 through February 20. The special pickup is expected to take at least two weeks.

Tree limbs should be placed along the curb or pavement edge, but do not need to be cut up or bundled. Tree limbs and brush should be stacked in pile. Other debris, such as sheetrock or flooring or material should not be included with limbs. Tree limb piles with other material mixed in such as construction debris or sheetrock will not be picked up.


A citywide schedule for the collection will be publicized for next week with maps and dates for the collections. Crews with landscape firms contracted by the City of Georgetown will start this week picking up limbs that are already at the curb.

There is no special fee assessed to city residents for this limb collection.

Contractors will not go onto private property beyond the street edge to cut up trees or limbs or move material to the curb. Officials say those who need help cutting up or removing tree limbs should hire a private company.


Residents in Bastrop, Hays, Travis, and Williamson counties can call the Crisis Clean Up toll-free number at 1-800-329-8052 through March 2 requesting assistance to clean up their home and/or debris. The volunteer effort is being organized by the Austin Disaster Relief Network and Central Texas Voluntary Organizations Active in Disasters.

More information about special tree limb collection will be posted when it’s available to the City of Georgetown website.

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