Specialists describe gruesome details of Shelton crime scene in Parlin murder trial

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The prosecution spent Thursday in court, continuing to build their case against Timothy Parlin. Parlin is on trial for his alleged role in the murders of Kathy Blair, and elderly couple Sidney and Billie Shelton. The state brought forward two crime scene specialists to describe the ransacked home they saw on that December day in 2014 inside Sidney and Billie’s home.

“This is looking at the portion of the bed as well as the open closet, and both decedents on the bed,” said Amanda Aguilar, APD crime scene specialist.

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Parlin is accused of working alongside Shawn Gant-Benalcazar to burglarize the homes of the three victims, and murder them. Prosecution called the Shelton's son to the stand. He talked about growing up in the home on Brentwood Street in Central Austin. “They moved there in 1957. I was born in 1953,” said Shelton, describing growing up in the home of the crime scene.

While on the stand, Shelton talked about an important piece of evidence, Sidney Shelton's shotgun that authorities allege was stolen during the burglary.

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“It was a Winchester 12 gauge semi-automatic. He kept it in the hall closet,” said Shelton.

That same gun came up from another witness brought by the state, an acquaintance of Parlin’s named Travis Lynch. He says Parlin gave him the gun and he did not ask where the gun came from.

While prosecutors presented evidence of the Shelton murders, a good friend of Kathy Blair's named Tracie Upham listened in.

“It’s senseless. Hearing what we're hearing in trial today, it's just absolutely horrific. There are hundreds of families who love, miss her and adore her,” she said about her friend.

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The defense for Parlin does not deny he was at the scene of the burglaries, but they say he was not inside with his co-defendant, Benalcazar during the crimes. A mistrial was declared in the Benalcazar case, however his attorneys are keeping a close watch on what unfolds in the Parlin trial.

Benalcazar’s next trail will be held in October. Testimony is expected to continue well into next week.