Annual street improvements underway around Austin

Austin Public Works is continuing its seasonal street maintenance in neighborhoods around the city. This effort improves hundreds of miles of neighborhood streets around Austin. 

Residents can expect to see crews in neighborhoods through the early fall. These maintenance activities help preserve Austin's streets and extend their lifespan. 

Crews will notify residents in advance of maintenance treatments in neighborhoods with doorhangers that list procedures and ask vehicles to be temporarily removed from the street. Vehicles not moved prior to scheduled maintenance will be towed to a nearby street. 

The main maintenance treatment that crews apply during this time of year is sealcoat. This requires three basic steps: spray, spread and sweep.

Sealcoat is a quick process involving spraying a layer of oil and spreading an asphalt material on top. Crews then sweep remaining rock and may return to do additional sweeping if needed.

To help make this a smooth process, Austin Public Works is offering the following tips:

  • Vehicles must be removed from streets scheduled for maintenance for two (2) days.
  • Expect loose gravel once the work is complete. Some loose rock that remains on the road will settle into the new asphalt material with time.
  • Avoid hard braking and sharp turning until the surface hardens to prevent flying gravel.

To see streets scheduled for maintenance and for more info, visit