Del Valle ISD welcomes students back to school as COVID surges | FOX 7 Austin

Del Valle ISD welcomes students back to school as COVID surges

As the Omicron variant continues to spread throughout the Austin area, schools are beginning to return. Del Valle Independent School District had their first day back Tuesday.

"There’s always the mama bear in me that’s going to be worried but my daughter is excited to get back and I’m excited for her to go back and we are just praying for a good year," said Amber Farr, a Del Valle ISD parent.

Farr walked her daughter home from Del Valle Elementary Tuesday, she felt the first day back was a success following the winter break. With COVID back on the rise, she made sure her daughter had plenty of masks for protection. "I ordered a ton off Amazon so I’m prepared."

Parents like Farr aren’t the only ones looking out for their kids. Del Valle ISD has several policies in place in order to prevent any potential spread.

One of the tools they are using is thermal cameras. This way they are able to track the temperature of everyone who enters the school and anyone who potentially has a fever can be set aside and checked out. The cameras are set up in every school. Also at every school is a mask requirement for those who enter the buildings, including parents.

"We also have continued enhanced cleaning throughout our buildings every day and we have proactive testing for students who may become symptomatic during the day. All of our nurses have access to rapid testing with parent permission," said Christopher Weddle the Del Valle ISD Executive Director of Communications.

With the vaccine now available for kids in elementary, the district chose to drop virtual learning, and bring all the students back. "The teachers who were working in virtual worked with those families so they felt welcomed back to campus," said Weddle.

The district said they do have several staff members out due to the virus however it’s not impacting their operations.

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