Taylor High School grad arrested, again, for making threats against school

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Police arrested a Taylor High School graduate accused of making a threat against the school for a second time. The arrest happened on Wednesday after an off-duty Fort Worth police officer said he overheard the man making the threat.

According to Taylor police, Devant Davis-Brooks was playing an online game early Wednesday morning when he made the threat. We're told this happened in a game chat that an off-duty officer happened to also be in. that's when the officer took action. “Made some threats that we take very seriously,” said Commander Joseph Branson with the Taylor Police Department.

Former Taylor High School student Devant Davis-Brooks was arrested for making threats against the very school he recently graduated from. “This requires the upmost care in our investigation. We do take it very seriously. The safety and security of our students, our faculty, staff, and schools is a top priority of ours,” said Commander Branson.

Branson said Davis-Brooks was playing an online game early Wednesday morning in his home in Taylor. Tt was during that time that police say he told those playing with him he was going to carry out an attack against Taylor high school. Among those in the game was an off duty officer from Fort Worth. “Our officers responded immediately to his reference who made contact with him. We were able to conduct an investigation and made an arrest,” said Branson.

This isn't the first time Davis-Brooks has been arrest for something like this. According to the Williamson County Jail records, the last time he made a terrorist threat was about 5 months ago.

The threat last time, also against Taylor High School. “The arrest in august was during school, just after school started with a group of friends of his were making some comments that were threatening in nature,” said Branson.

According to Commander Branson, when the Fort Worth officer overheard the threat he asked Davis-Brooks for more details where he found he wasn't shy of his past arrest. “When he made the threats he referenced that fact that he had been involved in something before and advised to google it and you'll know who I am,” said Davis-Brooks

As this is the second time, the Taylor Police Department is looking to up the charges. “The first arrest in August of Mr. Davis-Brooks was a misdemeanor this arrest here today (Wednesday) is a felony,” said Commander Branson.

For now, Commander Branson said this recent arrest is a reminder on just how serious they are when it comes to threats. While this time it was an officer who reported the threat, the Taylor Police Department is urging anyone who overhears threatening comments either online or out and about to not be afraid and to report them to police.



Three students arrested for threatening high school in Taylor