Taylor residents, businesses can now resume regular water usage

Residents and businesses receiving water from the City of Taylor and other neighboring sources can now resume regular water usage after a leak at a water treatment plant was repaired late Wednesday night.

The Brazos River Authority said Wednesday a water leak was found at its East Williamson County Water Treatment Plant. The leak was repaired the same day and the agency said residents would have full water capability by midnight last night. 

The leak had led to a call for all residents and businesses receiving water from the City of Taylor, Jonah Water Special Utility District and the Lone Star Regional Water Authority to stop nonessential water usage to preserve existing capacity until the issue was resolved.

Businesses that have high water usage, such as laundromats and car washes, were asked to stop operations until the system is fully charged.

Residents were asked to not use more water than needed and to save large water volume tasks, such as washing clothes and dishes, for when the system is fully charged. Residents were also asked to refrain from filling pools, watering grass and other similar tasks.

However, due to the Stage 1 Drought Watch Condition for Lake Granger, which includes Taylor, Jonah Water SUD and Lone Star Regional Water Authority, the Brazos River Authority is still asking consumers to continue to voluntarily reduce their water usage by five percent.

City of Taylor residents can call 512-352-5551 and residents of the Jonah Water SUD can contact the Brazos River Authority at 512-759-1286 for more information or with any questions.