Ted Cruz holds 3-point lead over Colin Allred, poll shows

A new poll shows Republican Senator Ted Cruz with a 3-point lead over his Democratic challenger Colin Allred.

The Texas Hispanic Policy Foundation spoke to 1,200 likely Texas voters between September 13 and 18 for the poll.

48 percent of respondents said they planned to vote for Cruz, compared to 45 percent for Allred.

Five percent of the likely voters polled were undecided.

According to the poll, Allred holds an 11-point advantage over Cruz among Hispanic respondents (50-39), while Cruz has a 21-point advantage among white respondents (58-37).

Female likely voters backed Allred over Cruz 52 percent to 40 percent, while men overwhelmingly showed support for Cruz with a 57 percent to 37 percent gap.


Ted Cruz, Colin Allred Senate race enters home stretch | Texas: The Issue Is

FOX 26's Greg Groogan sat down with Ted Cruz and FOX 4's Steven Dial interviewed Colin Allred with election day just weeks away.

The poll also showed former president Donald Trump with a 6-point lead over Vice President Kamala Harris in Texas in the presidential race.

"We have continued to see Allred consistently outperform the top of the ticket in this race. The data suggests that this speaks more to Allred’s favorables than what we are seeing in the National conversation," said TxHPF CEO Jason Villalba in a statement.

Cruz and Allred will meet on the debate stage on Oct. 15.

Election Day is Nov. 5.