Texas Baptist Men head to Tennessee to help tornado victims

Help is on the way from Texas to Tennessee after this week’s deadly tornadoes.

The Texas Baptist Men’s organization is packing up trucks full of supplies and mobile kitchens. They can feed thousands of people every day out of their trucks.

The all-volunteer group will leave Friday morning from their east Dallas warehouse.

“When you’re hurting, knowing that someone else cares, someone else is gonna pray for you, someone puts you first, that’s the biggest joy that anyone can get,” said Fred Stover, a volunteer with the Texas Baptist Men.


Tuesday’s storms killed 24 people. Officials said more than 400 people and a few dozen businesses were affected, suffering damage of some kind.

The heaviest damage is in Nashville and communities to the east from two tornadoes. One of them was an EF-4 with winds up to 175 mph.

President Trump will also visit the Tennessee disaster zone Friday. He quickly approved federal aid, including money for state and local governments and low-interest loans to home and business owners.