Texas game wardens get drone to aid search and rescue ops

Lt. Game Warden Pilot Brandon Rose deploys the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department’s new Unmanned Aircraft System. TPWD Photo/Earl Nottingham

Texas game wardens are getting a new piece of equipment to help them surveil hard to access areas during natural disasters and help with search and rescue operations. 

Game Warden Pilot Lt. Brandon Rose says the new drone, donated through the Texas Parks and Wildlife Foundation's Gear Up for Game Wardens program, will make a big difference when a helicopter or plane can't get up in the sky. 

“We’re limited from using our helicopter and airplane if weather is bad," said Rose. "With this drone we may be able to search for missing persons in situations where we can’t use the manned aircraft. During those down times, this craft could be the difference maker in getting help and saving lives.”

It can go up to 58 mph and go from 0 to 50 within five seconds. The drone will be based in Temple but can be deployed statewide.