Texas State alumni gather in San Marcos to watch first-ever bowl game | FOX 7 Austin

Texas State alumni gather in San Marcos to watch first-ever bowl game

The Taproom in San Marcos was filled with fans on Tuesday, all rooting for the Texas State Bobcats, who played in their first ever bowl game in Dallas.

"This is unbelievable," said Texas State graduate Steve Palmer. "We have been following the bobcats for 50 years, and here we are now bowl game."

Crowds of fans pour into The Taproom to watch the Bobcats take on the Rice Owls in the First Responder Bowl. 

"We couldn't make it to Dallas, but we feel like there should be a game day thing going here," Palmer said.

"It's a big city vibe, but we are a small town, tight-knit community, and it really shows, especially when we are able to come together and cheer on our boys here," said Texas State graduate Mo Palmer.

The former graduates were able to witness the last game in-person, where the Bobcats became bowl bound after a record-breaking season.

"It was so exciting to see that live in action in-person, the fireworks, the enthusiasm, from the stands, the fans, the team itself," Mo Palmer said. "It was just such an experience."

"I'm sure they're jazzed, I’m sure they are excited because this is probably the biggest thing that has ever happened to them in their football career," said Texas State graduate Charles McDonald.


The experience brings back memories for those that attended the university and were able to cheer the team on for past championships. 

"I got the email from the school president saying it was the first ever bowl game, so I thought I would be down here with my buddy that I met in 1974 and been best friends ever since at Southwest Texas," McDonald said, referencing the former name of the university.

"I've seen Texas State when they were Southwest Texas, back when we won the national championship in ‘81 and ’82," Steve Palmer said.

"What is most exciting about getting a head coach is really just seeing not only the kick up and dedication from the players but also the community here at Texas State," Mo Palmer said.

"This says to me they're dedicated to winning, and it has been a while since we have had a winner, a long time," Steve Palmer said. "It's been a long drought, believe me baby, I know. So, we are excited for this coach and this team. Go Bobcats!"

San MarcosTexas State University