Texas Veterans Commission urging women veterans to take advantage of benefits
Texas Veterans Commission urging women veterans to take advantage of benefits
The Texas Veterans Commission (TVC) is urging more women veterans to take advantage of the benefits afforded to them.
AUSTIN, Texas - The Texas Veterans Commission (TVC) is urging more women veterans to take advantage of the benefits afforded to them.
The organization is being very proactive in reaching out to women veterans.
Dr. Krystle Matthews, the TVC women's program director and an army veteran, joined FOX 7 Austin's Mike Warren to discuss.
MIKE WARREN: How are you trying to engage women veterans?
DR. MATTHEWS: We are hosting virtual events and in person events, but that's limited, so we do monthly virtual events.
MIKE WARREN: Are women veterans more interested in certain services?
DR. MATTHEWS: Not more interested, but we see a lot of single parents looking for childcare and rent, maybe a lack of a job or underemployed.
MIKE WARREN: Are women veterans more reticent to reaching out for help?
DR. MATTHEWS: A lot of women vets will try to make it on their own, so they'll look to friends, so they are hesitant.
MIKE WARREN: How do you get them to reach out?
DR. MATTHEWS: We try to empower them to request service they've earned as make sure they know the services are for them, not just the men.
MIKE WARREN: Why are women vets hesitant?
DR. MATTHEWS: A lot of women don't self identify, and they miss out on what's available they exit the service and don't use their benefits, and they may not be aware of the benefits.
MIKE WARREN: Are more women vets coming forward?
DR. MATTHEWS: Yes, now they are more aware of services the TVC is always pushing services to all vets and service organizations as well. Out of state we hear that Texas is great for vets.
MIKE WARREN: What's your message for women veterans?
DR. MATTHEWS: We have an annual outreach campaign on March 23 it's virtual we'd love for them to come and learn about services. We have sessions based on area, north, south, east and west. But you can join us at anytime to connect because services are always changing.